Tag: Wisconsin
Wisconsin Senate passes Koch-backed REINS bill that would benefit Koch, other...
There are concerns about the bill's ability to potentially “grind the regulatory process to a halt.”
ALEC’s push for a constitutional convention reaches Wisconsin
The risks of a constitutional convention in this day and age far outweigh the benefits.
Wisconsin leads on climate research, even as agencies cut science from...
“If you’re not recognizing that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change, then you’re not looking for solutions that reduce climate change.”
Green party’s Jill Stein on obsotacles to vote recount: “This is...
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein requested recounts in three states where Donald Trump narrowly beat Hillary Clinton: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Republicans responsible for voter suppression in 2016
With a Republican majority currently held in all three branches, there will most likely be a lot more barriers and restrictions in the times ahead.
One Tribe’s ‘Long Walk’ Upstream for Environmental and Cultural Justice
Wisconsin's Menominee tap their forebears—and Native American cultural rebirth underway in North Dakota—on a walk to protect their river.
Leaked Documents Expose Worst Corruption Scandal in a Decade
Scott Walker may have done political favors for the lead industry in exchange for millions.
Bernie Sanders Scores Amazing Victory in Wisconsin
Sanders just won the Wisconsin primary, a race he was poled to lose by nearly 20 points just three weeks ago.
Will Voter Suppression Skew Wisconsin Primary Results?
How many voters will be turned away? How long will the voting lines extend? Which candidate will have her or his voters suppressed the most?
The Go-to Guy for Corporate Moochers
Scott Walker is a proven budget whacker giving corporations the goldmine, while students get the shaft. So when a corporation wants public money, Walker is their go-to-guy.