Tag: wildlife
The federal government’s cruel war against wildlife
USDA’s Wildlife Services will no longer use “cyanide bombs” to kill animals, but that’s just one of the inhumane weapons in their arsenal.
We ignore thousands of threatened plant species at our own peril
Kokia drynarioides is a small but significant flowering tree endemic to Hawaii’s dry forests. Native Hawaiians used its large, scarlet flowers to...
Endangered wildlife are getting dosed with rat poisons
Products marketed to kill rodents are instead threatening the lives of the wildlife that eat them as poisons travel up the food chain.
Polar bear ‘invasion:’ How climate change is making human-wildlife conflicts worse
Unfortunately, climate change is only going to make these negative interactions between humans and wildlife more common.
Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations in the last...
We are the 'last generation' that can save our planet.
Under Trump, federal agencies halt reviews of toxic pesticides that endanger...
Scientists say pesticides from nearby farms are pushing them closer to extinction.
US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services becomes multi million-dollar federal wildlife-killing...
"The Department of Agriculture needs to get out of the wildlife-slaughter business."
Trump administration to build ‘road to nowhere’ through Alaska wildlife refuge
“The Trump administration has approved an unprecedented and illegal proposal to sell out Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.”
EPA allowing widespread use of unapproved pesticides, study finds
“The chronic abuse of the emergency approval process has created a shortcut for pesticide companies looking to gain backdoor approval for use of harmful pesticides.”
While America focuses on tax bill, Congress quietly tries to open...
“The oil industry and its allies in Congress may think they can sneak this past the American people...”