Tag: wealth inequality
A regime of austerity versus the common good
Today's Powers that Be (economic, political and media) are wrongly forcing a regime of austerity on our nation.
Thousands of teachers and staff on strike across Oklahoma and Kentucky,...
"Stop the war on public education!"
The oligarchs’ ‘guaranteed basic income’ scam
The longer the elites keep us in darkness with their ideological tricks and empty moralism, the longer we refuse to mobilize to break their grip on power, the worse it will get.
A 2 percent financial wealth tax would provide a $12,000 annual...
It's not hard to envision the benefits in work opportunities, stress reduction, child care, entrepreneurial activity, and artistic pursuits for American households with an...
Canadian doctors protest their recent pay increase
A group that represents doctors and advocates for public health in Quebec is asking that the money instead be allocated to the health-care system at large.
People are showing they’ve had enough
People can only be squeezed so much before they rise up and say, “enough!”
Corporations are spending their tax cut – on themselves
Instead of creating jobs, big businesses are using their tax cut bonanza to hike stock value and CEO pay.
We’re told the Dow Jones average…
But wait – nearly all stock is owned by the richest 10 percent of Americans, so the Dow Jones Average says nothing about the economic condition of the 90 percent majority of Americans.
Legalizing tyranny
We have built a terrifying legal and policing apparatus that has placed the poor of our nation in bondage – an American tyranny.
America’s richest 2% made more money in 2017 than the cost...
The richest 2-5%, those Americans with an average net worth of about $2.5 million, accumulated enough wealth in 2017 to pay for the safety net FOUR TIMES.