Thursday, October 24, 2024

Tag: war

Syria: A Ticking Time Bomb

The conflict in Syria continues to escalate and could ignite “a massive war between major world powers.” Bombs and destruction must come to a stop and a resolution must be reached for the major nations involved.

The Fog of Intelligence

It seems the national security state and the military have created an un-intelligence system. Tom Engelhardt discusses how the U.S. has been eternally “caught off guard” in the Greater Middle East.

No, Donald Trump, the Middle East Wouldn’t be More Stable Under...

Donald Trump recently made a statement that if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still around, or if Bashar al-Assad could be restored in Syria that the Middle East would be more stable. But he must be mistaken.

China/Russia, the World’s “Other” Superpower, Will Not Be Intimidated

The U.S. is not the only current superpower in the world. The alliance between Russia and China has created a militaristic, economically stable superpower that could greatly threaten the U.S. Instead of focusing on war with these countries, the U.S. needs to focus on rebuilding America.

Underlying Reasons for the Raging Syrian War: Competing Natural Gas Pipelines

President Obama says we must get involved with the conflict in Syria to help destroy ISIS, but what if that is not entirely the case? Could a pipeline issue in Syria be the true reason the U.S. has gotten involved? As this crisis deepens we will find out.

Why are We Witnessing This Middle East Humanitarian Crisis? Ask the...

The U.S. government needs to realize they can no longer get away with these aggressive military operations; especially in the Middle East. It is time we put a stop to these endless wars and massive military costs.

How GOP Candidates Would Deal with Syria (the Short Version) (Video)

During the second GOP debate at CNN, anchor Jake Tapper asked the question: "What would you do right now if you were president, to get the Russians out of Syria?" Watch as each candidate dodges the question.

How Many Thousands of US Troops Would GOP Hopefuls Send to...

Many GOP presidential hopefuls "wouldn’t rule out U.S. boots on the ground" in Iraq, or Syria for that matter. So if a Republican takes office come 2016 we can almost be guaranteed a return of combat troops to the Middle East.

A Brutally Frank Jimmy Carter Calls Out Israel on Permanent Apartheid

There is going to be a single state in Israel-Palestine, Jimmy Carter said. And Palestinians are not going to have the rights of regular citizens—this is far from acceptable.

Peace and the Ideology of Greed and Division

Cooperation, tolerance and, crucially, sharing the worlds resources equitably amongst the people of the world, these would go a long way towards establishing social justice and trust, which in turn would help facilitate peace.


Why are young working-class men more ‘conservative’?

It’s not just about women’s increasing power and independence—it’s about capitalism failing us all.

Trump’s Disloyal, Dirty Dozen: His most toxic, gut-busting onslaughts against sacred American values

Would the American electorate be dumb enough to elect a conspicuous, anti-democratic bomb-thrower to our top office?

US and China why not a deal?

The very real dangers—ecological as well as geopolitical—that the world now faces encourage finding some kind of negotiated agreement on a multi-polar world.

The empire is going down

In some fashion, we now seem to be on a post-imperial planet in which—if only—the best approach would be: chill, baby, chill.

Corporate greed exposed: Kroger admits to price gouging on milk and eggs amid antitrust...

A top Kroger executive admits to inflating milk and egg prices above the rate of inflation