Tag: war crimes
Fatal airstrike in Gaza: Two journalists killed, another injured
This event adds to the growing list of media casualties in the region, highlighting the perilous nature of reporting in war-torn areas.
Rising democratic dissent as Biden sidesteps Congress for another Israeli arms...
This decision marks the second instance within a short span where the administration has circumvented legislative scrutiny in arms transactions.
Alarming surge in violence and human rights abuses in the West...
Record highs in fatalities and rights violations spark global concern.
Dubai is a fitting host for the climate circus
A host nation that promises progress but relies on regressive policies is revealing just how seriously fossil fuel interests have coopted UN climate talks.
US munitions in deadly Gaza strikes: Amnesty International calls for war...
Amnesty International's investigation reveals US-made weapons in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, killing civilians and igniting calls for a war crimes probe.
‘There simply is no safe place in Gaza’: Aid groups demand...
“We desperately need a ceasefire in order to be able to finally address these dire needs.”
For media elites, war criminal Henry Kissinger was a great man
Revisiting the legacy of Henry Kissinger: war crimes overlooked by U.S. media’s adulation
Americans want a ceasefire. It’s our politicians who are out of...
Our elected officials must listen to the majority of American people who are demanding peace so that Palestinians can live freely, instead of dreaming about it.
Strikes Gaza as six newborns succumb to fuel shortage at Al-Shifa...
Does this situation shines a spotlight on the urgent need for humanitarian intervention and an end to the ongoing crisis in the region?
Israeli war crimes and propaganda follow US blueprint
Israel's war crimes in Gaza and the propaganda by which it justifies them are based on the weak—and incorrect—interpretations of the Geneva Conventions that the U.S. has relied on throughout its recent wars.