Tag: voters
How regular voters played an impactful role in urging Biden to...
We discussed rapid response organizing, the impact of positive messaging and the role Pass the Torch played in Biden’s decision.
What do voters want?
When voters in democratic states decide, democratically, that they’ve had enough of democracy, it’s not just throwing away a vote, it’s throwing away the vote.
Fed up with the system, young voters engage for 2020
Despite this being an off-election year, voting rights organizations are quickly mobilizing to expand voting access, ensure voting rights and educate citizens...
It’s the base, stupid! – the know-nothing swamp drives toxic politics
We can’t have a know-nothing president without an ongoing know-nothing base. The "other swamp" is a multitude willing to forego life-improving deliverables for endless, smoke and mirror wedge distractions.
Chicago for Sale
Chicago has yet to learn that their people and their public services are not products to be bought and sold. Can voters change the direction the state is going come February 24 when they will elect a new mayor?