Tag: vegan
How the psychology of oppression perpetuates harm to animals and the...
To achieve justice for all species and the environment, we must create a more relational world.
Global shift to plant-based diets could prevent 236,000 deaths annually, study...
A recent international study underscores the profound impact of dietary choices on public health and environmental sustainability, projecting significant reductions in premature deaths and boosts in global GDP.
Vegan diets cut emissions, water pollution and land use by 75%,...
Dietary changes will be necessary to feed more people as the human population continues to grow, while also limiting environmental impacts.
Complacency rules: Consumerism and the environment
Complacency and the refusal to change individual behavior and collective ways of living are stoking the underlying cause of the crisis—consumerism.
Colorado’s ‘MeatOut Day’ has started a meat war
A call for more plant-based eating draws battle lines over burgers.
Why so many young people go vegan
Millennials are driving the shift towards food that is plant-based. They are likely to check the source of food, the issues surrounding animal welfare, and the impacts on the environment that get implied when they decide to purchase the product.
Portland to Be Home to World’s First Vegan Supermarket Chain
Veganz is the world's first all-vegan supermarket chain. By the end of 2016 they will have 14 stores open around the world.
All Forms of Life Are Sacred
Just because animals are cognitively different from us, why is it people's belief that they have lesser moral value? Using them is the ultimate problem—it does not matter how well we treat them.