Tag: United States
Increased restrictions on protest won’t keep communities safer
Instead of looking to combat-ready police to solve the problem of public disruption, the community itself has the capacity to create structures of safety and support by focusing on solidarity and confronting the foundational issues that are causing the violence in the first place.
Six potential lessons from our most debased presidency
To restore America, we need both vilify Trump for what he is – and defy his gang – but also reluctantly face how epic excesses clarity our moral, intellectual and political choices.
The albatross wrapped around America’s neck
It is truly time for change in America but how can we make this happen?
Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, August 14, 2018
DNC will take fossil fuel money after all, Income inequality in America vs. Europe, and more.
Statue of infamy
Give me your tired and your poor, so I can put them in a concentration camp.
Violent coup fails in Nicaragua, US continues regime change efforts
Peace and justice advocates must be grounded in anti-imperialism and nonintervention by the United States.
How the US treats foreigners reflects our humanity – or lack...
America has proven that we are capable of greatness, but we are also capable of great darkness.
Donald Trump’s startling global agenda: Taking white supremacy worldwide
Trump appointee kills U.N. language on racism, hate speech and nationalism, claiming there’s no rise in intolerance.
While China picks winners, Trump picks losers
As with so much else, Trump is determined to Take America Backwards Again.