Tag: United Nations
Israeli MP Galit Distel Atbaryan advocates for erasing Gaza, raising alarm
An Israeli Member of Parliament's statement advocating for Gaza to be "erased from the face of the earth" raises alarm and highlights the intensifying rhetoric in the region.
Global leaders plead for peace in Ukraine at UN
Altogether, leaders from at least 50 countries spoke up for peace in Ukraine at the 2023 UN General Assembly.
‘Era of global boiling’ has arrived, UN chief says
“The consequences are clear and they are tragic: children swept away by monsoon rains; families running from the flames; workers collapsing in scorching heat.”
Climate change lawsuits more than double in 5 years, UN report...
The increasing number of climate change cases indicates that climate-related lawsuits are becoming an essential component of ensuring climate justice.
Where are the world’s water stresses?
Around the world, significant issues are negatively impacting water security. While the situation appears dire, cooperation initiatives show some signs of relief.
Ecological citizenship and the United Nations sustainability development goals agenda
Reduction of inequalities and environmental protection and responsibility must also be interconnected for the well-being of individuals and societies.
With climate indicators ‘off the charts,’ UN chief calls policies of...
"We have the tools, the knowledge, and the solutions," said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres. "But we must pick up the pace."
Lack of safe drinking water for city dwellers to double by...
The report found that water scarcity is also becoming more common in rural areas, with water shortages affecting from two to three billion people for at least a month out of each year.
Iran punished for treatment of women
The U.S. initiates Iran’s expulsion from the UN women’s commission.
Across Africa, water conflict threatens security, health, and the environment
The scarcity-led conflict and crisis.