Tag: Ukraine
Can global sports boycotts help end the war in Ukraine?
The power of sports to legitimize a regime also means they have the power to delegitimize one, too.
Germany deserves a big share of the blame for the disaster...
Berlin should step up and end the war in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin’s war has dealt a blow to the ‘populist’ right
Russian imperialism must be challenged.
Why Ukraine matters
If Putinism is victorious in Ukraine, it will set a horrific precedent not only for other territorial grabs but also other attacks on democracy.
In the Ukraine war, we can make oligarchs — everywhere —...
Ending the tax-evading ways of Russia’s rich could be a giant step toward reining in oligarchy worldwide.
Why binary thinking on Russia’s invasion is a losing strategy
We urgently need a progressive politics that extends solidarity with the victims of military violence—no matter which state perpetrates it—and resists the militarism of our own governments.
Our Ukraine wake-up call
We are so much more interconnected than we care to acknowledge and, with that in mind, we need new norms and protections in place of those that have led us to this point on an all-too-new and dangerous planet.
It’s time to take inspiration from Ukraine and double down on...
We can do far more to support pro-democracy activists and movements.
Worried about nuclear war? You can actually do something to prevent...
Could the horrific war in Ukraine help renew a movement to abolish nuclear weapons once and for all?
How Putin’s skill-set shows up Trump’s. One’s a calculating, thuggish, earth-jolting...
Their personalities and very different strengths and weaknesses will determine their fate and final standing.