Tag: U.S. Military
Enough folded flags: Military families speak out against the Afghanistan War
A nation that doesn't remember the people sent to fight on its behalf has no business sending more.
Holding the line on torture
Here’s a disclaimer of sorts: ever since I witnessed the effects of U.S. torture policy firsthand in Central America in the 1980s, I’ve had a deep personal interest in American torture practices.
The US military is winning. No, really, it is!
A simple equation proves that the U.S. Armed Forces have triumphed in the War on Terror.
The war piece to end all war pieces
“So think of this as the war piece to end all war pieces. And let the repetition begin!"
187 organizations call for mass protest against military parade
The organizations intend to make the response in opposition to President Trump’s military parade bigger than the parade itself.
The legacy of infinite war
Special ops, generational struggle, and the Cooperstown of commandos.
The war before the Iran War
Division in the ranks of the conservative movement is a critical sign that a war with Iran isn't inevitable.