Tag: U.S. Economy
Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #4: Bust Up Wall Street
Wall Street is back to many of its old tricks. But the bigger they get, the more likely it is that the government will bail them out if they get into trouble again. So what needs to be done to tame Wall Street?
A Middle-Class Tax Revolt? You Bet!!!
Welfare in the U.S. flows vertically in two directions from a single source—the middle-class. The redistribution of wealth that flows up to the rich is far greater and more concentrated than the wealth that flows down to the poor. This is a major problem.
The Revolt of Small Business Republicans
While small business owners have contributed to the same Republican candidates and committees favored by big business, they are finally waking up to the fact they’re being screwed by big businesses. Is a revolt in their future?
The Pain of Modern Life
Suicide is the third highest cause of death in the world. The pressure of life, causing extreme emotional distress, is the common denominator. Has suicide become a worldwide epidemic?
Why the Rich Don’t Care About Jobs for the Rest of...
The rich don't care about creating jobs. If they did, they would invest in the American infrastructure to help create millions of jobs as a result. So what really goes on in a billionaire's brain?
VIDEO: Step #2: Make Work Family Friendly
"Family-friendly work" is nothing but a pipedream in the richest nation in the world. Yet it shouldn't be a luxury because it's what American workers and their families deserve—a decent life with decent pay.
The Five-Step Process to Privatize Everything
At the heart of privatization, people take from society, demand freedom and defund government. But the belief that self-centeredness will benefit everyone is backwards—it's time for great individuals to emerge from cooperative efforts.
The Political Roots of Widening Inequality
The trend toward widening inequality in America can only be reversed if we all join together to demand fundamental change. While the political competition isn't between the right and the left, it's between the majority of Americans and an economic elite.
Entitlements Are Bankrupting America. But the Rich Keep Taking Them.
With extreme inequality plaguing the U.S., the rich continue to bankrupt the middle and lower classes. They have a feeling of entitlement from our nation's many years of productivity. We have to stop ignoring the real problem.
Why So Many Americans Feel So Powerless
While powerlessness can be felt in all aspects of American's lives, it seems the current system is only built for those at the top. How do we reinstate the power that the economy and society depend on to feel like the system is working for all?