Tag: Trump supporters
Exploring the mindset of a typical, hardcore Trump supporter: Part two
“All I can say is that there is some good news in this situation: at least, two-thirds of the American people have their heads on straight.”
Exploring the mindset of a typical hardcore Trump supporter
As I said these Americans are extremely angry and frustrated and want to see change so it seems like they are more than willing to support someone who is as angry as they are.
University of Oxford study concludes Trump’s supporters share widest range of...
A new study concluded that "junk political news and information was concentrated among Trump's supports," which was "mapped from public Twitter and Facebook data."
3 reasons why so many people still support Trump
"This administration isn't just targeting the laws that protect us – they are targeting the very idea that we are all worthy of protection."
Exclusive: Portraits of Trump Supporters
Think you know what Trump supporters are like? Take a look at the pictures below, you may be surprised.
Trump Supporters Pepper Spray 15-Year-Old Girl at Rally
Situations are only getting worse between Trump supporters and protestors.