Tag: trade
Bernie derides Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs
In addition to Sen. Sanders’ condemnation, economist Jeffrey Sachs wrote an op-ed on Friday describing the new steel and aluminum tariffs as the start of a “psychopath’s trade war.”
While China picks winners, Trump picks losers
As with so much else, Trump is determined to Take America Backwards Again.
US Needs ‘sh*thole’ countries, not the other way around
America’s prosperity and security are greatly dependent on the goodwill and cooperation of other nations, developed and emerging markets alike.
No #NAFTA2, yes to trade for people & planet
We need to transform trade so it serves the people and protects the planet.
World unites against Trump on climate
Donald Trump is learning the hard way that he cannot thwart the entire world on climate change and expect to continue with business as usual.
Making NAFTA worse
Trump promised to negotiate the widely loathed trade deal, which would be great – except he's giving corporations even more power to offshore jobs.
Trump and trade
Trump wants to “renegotiate” trade deals like NAFTA. But there's no evidence he wants to fix their corrosive impact on labor protections or environmental standards.
Trade is Trump’s biggest broken promise
Trump, who campaigned promising to “drain the swamp” in Washington, has filled his administration with the very swamp creatures his voters hated.
Trade denialism continues: Trade really did kill manufacturing jobs
This level of dishonesty separates trade out from most other areas of public debate.