Tag: TPP
How Corporate Bamboozlers Intend to Widen Inequality in America
We don't need any institute to tell us who would benefit from TPP. All we need to know is that it was negotiated in strict secrecy with global corporate elites while we consumers and workers were locked out.
Why I Faced Arrest, Even as I Battle Cancer, to Fight...
"If ratified, the TPP would lock in monopolies for certain new medicines, biological medicines that help people like me stay alive."
Protest at White House Kicks Off Nationwide Days of Action
White House protest kicks off nationwide days of action in 38 US cities, protests also held in seven countries.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Fraud
The TPP, offering modest quantifiable benefits from trade liberalization, is really the thin edge of a wedge package which will fundamentally undermine the public interest.
TPP Trade Deal Will Cost US 448,000 Jobs, Say Researchers
Two recent economic reports have contradicted the claims that jobs will increase. They have shown that, more than likely, the deal will lead to a loss of jobs.
Keystone Lawsuit Illustrates Enviros’ Big Problem With TPP
The Canadian company behind the Keystone Pipeline is suing the U.S. government. It’s a perfect example of why many environmentalists are wary of Obama’s secretive trade deals.
The Illusion of Freedom
This deception will exist as long as we “stay in our place.” Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the chimera will vanish. The iron fist of history’s most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself with a terrifying fury.
The Trans-Pacific Trade Scam
Despite what President Obama says, the TPP does indeed create a corporate end run around our laws.
The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History
“There is more than enough evidence from past trade agreements to indicate where the TPP will lead. It is part of the inexorable march by corporations to wrest from us the ability to use government to defend the public and to build social and political organizations that promote the common good.”
Obama’s Kabuki Theater
Does the 17th-century Japanese art form sum up the White House's production of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? If we're talking about elaborate sets and costuming, rhythmic dialogue and stylized acting, then we would have to say so.