Tag: taxes
America’s inherited wealth dynasties park trillions out of reach of taxation
It is equally important to understand how multi-generational wealth dynasties are deploying dynasty trusts and other elaborate tax dodges to sequester trillions and dodge inheritance taxes.
In a single year, $1.78 trillion was stolen from the working...
And much of the money workers should be getting is instead being pumped up to the top 0.3% of income earners.
As CTC ends, study says monthly payments boost baby brain activity
"Policy impacts biology. It's past time we made the Child Tax Credit increases permanent."
Two sides, same coin: Suppressing votes, cutting rich people’s taxes
America’s national media typically pay little attention to the moves the nation’s state lawmakers make. Not this year. State legislative battles have...
Report: Taxing the world’s richest would raise US $2.52 trillion a...
A new analysis, “Taxing Extreme Wealth,” by the Fight Inequality Alliance, Institute for Policy Studies, Oxfam, and Patriotic Millionaires found a shocking...
What’s that ‘surtax’ doing in Build Back Better?
The new Build Back Better surtax might just turn out to be a giant first tax step toward the more equal America that we all so desperately need.
The United States of tax havens
The United States, where countless corrupt billionaires and dictators have stashed their loot, is not a single tax haven, but many separate tax havens.
Watch: Bernie Sanders argues ‘we must end the greed of Big...
"Why is it that the pharmaceutical industry is able to charge the American people the highest prices on the planet for prescription drugs? Because their greed goes unchallenged in Washington, D.C."
US billionaires are now $2.1 trillion richer than before the pandemic
Not only did the wealth of U.S. billionaires grow, but so did their numbers: in March of last year, there were 614 Americans with 10-figure bank accounts. Today there are 745.