Tag: Social Security
Screwing With and Screwing the Elderly and Disabled
The American people should be demanding annual benefit adjustments that reflect the real world confronted by the elderly and disabled and not simply the fantasies of political hacks in Congress.
Bernie Sanders: 0.3 Percent Social Security Increase Is a Joke
This measly cost-of-living adjustment could be wiped out next year when Medicare Part B premiums increase.
The Old Debt and Entitlement Charade
You won’t hear this story in the debate questions. Debate sponsors only push their own agendas.
Social Security’s Enemies Are Down – But They’re Not Out
“Tax the rich, feed the poor …” Say what you will about its politics, but it wouldn’t add a penny to the deficit.
President Obama Finally Gets It Right on Expanding Social Security
A lot of U.S. citizens do not have a retirement savings and depend on social security when it is time to leave the workforce.
How to Fight the Big Banks and Help the Social Security...
If Bernie Sanders wants to stick it to the Big Banks, having the SSA start its own credit card department would be one way to go.
GOP Debate: Setting The Record Straight On Social Security
Here are some facts about Social Security that can help people who are worried by these Republican lies and scare tactics.
New Study Finds Sanders’ Legislation Would Extend Social Security Solvency By...
Bernie Sanders is fighting to extend social security an extra 40 years by making the wealthiest citizens pay the same rate as everyone else does.
We Need a Mass Movement Demanding Real Social Security and Medicare...
Bernie Sanders is calling for enhanced Social Security benefits and expanding Medicare to cover all Americans. Now we need a independent mass people's movement to fight for the same thing.
Where American Socialism and Capitalism Blend Together Perfectly
Socialism is a word a lot of citizens fear, but Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, military and other social programs administered by the U.S. government are all socialistic aid the U.S. uses.