Five Cheers and Four Raspberries for the Supreme Court as it...
Congratulations to the five Supreme Court justices for not blowing one result of the court's pig-headedness and making marriage equality the law of the land. This was a victory for common sense and basic democracy.
Top Six Achievements of Obamacare (Hint: Millions More Insured)
Since the Supreme Court has approved all the judicial challenges Obamacare once faced, it is time to look at it as a huge success enriching the lives of all. Here are six achievements of Obamacare.
SCOTUS: Saving the Republic or the Republicans?
The Supreme Court's decision not to repeal the Affordable Care Act was “good news for the Republican Party, who were facing the prospect of being responsible for those millions losing their coverage." Now they won't look so bad.
The KBparty of Plutocratic Rule, Welcome to What the Supreme Court...
Corporate cash is corrupting America's democratic process and killing our people's right to self-government. The Koch Brothers party is raring to go vowing to spend even more in the 2016 presidential election. It's time we stand up to the corporate elites.