Tag: Russia
Understanding ‘the correlation of forces’
Why Russia fumbled in Ukraine, China lost its way, and America should exercise restraint.
Evidence of Russian war crimes, says leading human rights group
"The cases we documented amount to unspeakable, deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians."
Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and the left
In not recognizing multiple imperialisms, is the Left also guilty of Americocentrism?
US investment firms prop up ad revenue for Russian propaganda sites
“Investors need to also think through how their money is being used, where that money is being invested, and how they can contribute to isolating Russia and Russian companies.”
Who’s enabling Putin’s enablers?
We need a progressive politics that shows solidarity with all victims of military violence — while resisting the militarism of our own government.
Putin’s messiah syndrome drives the invasion, brutality to cities and civilians,...
Putin's messianic vision sees the destruction of an independent Ukraine almost as a religious duty.
How the invasion of Ukraine underscored the importance of the world’s...
The world’s nuclear professionals work across international boundaries to learn from each other, enhancing their safety and that of all they serve.
How drones in Ukraine help fuel propaganda and shape perception
These unmanned flying machines are also contributing to an information war.
Media repeats Kremlin anti-fracking claims—while ignoring Russia’s promotion of climate denial
Climate skeptics have revived an old claim that anti-fracking campaigns around the world have been bankrolled by the Kremlin.