Tag: rich
Can we talk sensibly about inequality and ignore the rich?
The poor don’t gain, in short, when societies ignore the rich.
Single billionaire produces a million times more emissions than average person:...
"These few billionaires together have 'investment emissions' that equal the carbon footprints of entire countries like France, Egypt, or Argentina."
What threatens Florida more, hurricanes or the rich?
Florida’s state government doesn’t call the shots. Florida’s rich do, and the continuing immensity of their after-tax incomes has turned out to matter far more to state policy than the well-being of Floridian families of modest means.
59 percent in US living paycheck to paycheck as corporate profits...
"A large share of consumers are essentially living on the razor's edge."
Analysis shows top US CEOs made 254 times more than median...
A higher minimum wage and unions can put corporate greed in check and raise wages throughout the labor market."
Still another reason for taxing the rich
America’s wealthiest, new ProPublica data suggest, may be even richer than we thought.
Rep. Jamaal Brown introduces legislation that will propose income tax reform...
The introduced tax code for the nearly 700 billionaires would raise $1 trillion over ten years, according to a press release.
America’s top 15 earners and what they reveal about the US...
A new report reveals that the very richest pay lower rates than the merely rich.
Billionaires will not save us. Here’s what will
It’s high time that we draw from the massive wealth of knowledge possessed by Indigenous peoples.
America’s inherited wealth dynasties park trillions out of reach of taxation
It is equally important to understand how multi-generational wealth dynasties are deploying dynasty trusts and other elaborate tax dodges to sequester trillions and dodge inheritance taxes.