Tag: revolution
The Quiet Revolution
In areas where things like fresh water and electricity that most North Americans take for granted are still luxuries a revolution quietly continues, providing some hope for the future.
Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?
“What’s it going to take for folks to get off their duffs and onto the street corners? What I am suggesting is not revolution, rather evolution.”
Comes the Revolution
“In these modern times the economic system, Capitalism, seems to have evolved into a quasi-religious political belief system.”
People’s Summit Seeks to Take ‘Political Revolution’ to the Next Level
“Something transformative could potentially happen in our political system, in which the fading of a presidential campaign gives birth to a political force that could have far more impact than a single presidency. this will be worth watching.”
Welcome to 1984
It is time for change. To make this change, a political revolution needs to take a place.
Reforming Democracy From the Grassroots Up
Frustrated by a somnolent Congress, a bipartisan group is tackling campaign finance reform one city at a time.
Revolution Is in the Air
“We will have to do this together. No one will do it for us. And as the numbers in the streets swell the corruption of our political system becomes ever more apparent.”
Sander’s “Crazy” Ideas: Most of Which Other Developed Nations Have Already...
“This is a critical period in American history. It’s time for the people of this country to use their massive power to turn this country in these new directions.”
Won’t Leftists Profit from Berniacs’ Desperation?
“We must refuse now to vote for Clinton, before he even gets to ask us. In that gesture of revolutionary desperation lies our only hope of avoiding revolutionary despair.”
Bernie is Leftists’ Divinely Appointed “Hitman”
“Love him or loathe him, Bernie Sanders has succeeded in doing something the left itself has never in recent memory accomplished: he’s spearheading a potential political revolution.”