Tag: Republicans
House approves Save the Internet Act, votes to restore net neutrality
"The Save the Internet Act ensures that consumers have control over their Internet experience, rather than Internet service providers [controlling that experience]."
Republicans have put our country on a path of warp-speed decline—and...
Republicans don't seem to have much respect for the intelligence of the American people.
Republicans on health care: Do vast harm
The message is clear: to Republicans, health care is a right only for the rich; the rest can suffer and die. The GOP Hippocratic oath is: Do vast harm.
Pelosi and McConnell: Cranking up bipartisan madness for NATO
Only public education, activism, protests and a wide range of political organizing have the potential to disrupt and end the reflexive support for NATO in Washington.
What Republicans and billionaires really mean when they talk about ‘freedom’
Freedom to be homeless, jobless, and unable to access health care
when you need it.
After Trump
Centrist liberalism is dead, and Trump is a disaster. But progressives can use what he’s done to remake America and its place in the world.
A necessary voice: Ilhan Omar must not be silenced
Representative Omar has only held office for two months and not only faces attacks from within her own party, but also what amounts to a campaign of incitement launched by the right.
The yuge Republican lie about the deficit
It’s not social spending that’s causing the federal deficit to soar. It’s Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy.
House passes HR 1 – a sweeping anti-corruption bill to get...
“HR 1 restores the people’s faith that government works for the public interest, the people’s interest, not the special interest.”
Have the rich always laughed at stiff taxes?
In other words, seriously taxing the rich will always be impossible. So why bother even trying?