Tag: religion
Berrigan’s Witness to Nonviolence Challenged Church and Nation
Jesuit Fr. Daniel Berrigan will be remembered for challenging the conscience of the Catholic church and the nation on the dangers of militarism.
No, Muslims Are Not More Violent Than People of Other Religions....
Terrorism is a tactic of extremists within each religion, and within secular religions of Marxism or nationalism. No religion, including Islam, preaches indiscriminate violence against innocents.
Will the US Catholic Church Divest from Fossil Fuels and Buy...
The pope is trying to get the word out to U.S. Catholics to do something practical about climate change. Will Pope Francis help move all Americans toward a greener and less dangerous future?
Pope Francis Is an Honest Conservative, Not a Liberal (Video)
While some American conservatives are angry at the Pope for not being far enough right on some issues and joining in their delusions, the Pope is far from " liberal” in American politics. This suggests fascist strains in American.
What if Kim Davis Refused to License Marriages of Interracial Couples?...
Mike Huckabee, who might just be seeking a way to kickstart his failed presidential bid, was in full support of Kim Davis' stance against gay marriage. But would he still defend her if she had denied licenses to inter-racial couples?
Pope Francis’ Call to Host Refugees Contrasts with America’s Anti-Immigrant ‘Religious...
Was Pope Francis’ call to host refugees a slam against the anti-immigrant right wing? Many American Christian leaders aren't too keen when it comes to the issue of Syrian refugees being accepted by the U.S.
If Islamic State Had Burned Down Four Churches, It Would Have...
Arson directed at African-American churches is on the rise in recent weeks with seven burnt to the ground. But the question remains: Is terrorism “raced” in the U.S.?
Dirty-Energy Supporters Cower before Hurricane Francis Strikes
As Pope Francis takes on global warming in 2015, dirty-energy supporters are cowering as their flimsy ideological castles are being threatened. Yet it's about time humans admit that climate change is not only a matter of science, but also of moral duty.
Top 10 Ways Islamic Law Forbids Terrorism
This week Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted on all counts in the Boston Marathon bombings. However, there was not much Muslim recognizable in his and his brother's style of life. Here are 10 ways that the Tsarnaev brothers broke Muslim law, according to Juan Cole.
Hope and Wonder Amidst the Misery
British artist and writer Benjamin Crème has been traveling the world preaching to anyone who would listen that Maitreya, the World Teacher, is out there gradually emerging into public view. The story is an extraordinary message of hope.