Tag: religion
‘Attacking the very foundations’ of church-state separation, SCOTUS delivers ‘seismic shock’...
"A State need not subsidize private education. But once a State decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious."
Which shall we have: Love or greed?
The United States supposes itself to be a Christian community. Such a community should focus on love rather than wealth and power. Shouldn’t it?
Ayatollah Trump: The global rise of the Christian right
Islamic extremism gets all the press, but Trump is just one of a growing number of Christian extremists in positions of political power.
Our ladies of perpetual activism: Nuns for social justice
These sisters believe that their faith calls them to create a more just world.
Interfaith solidarity: A Muslim-led crowdfunding campaign raises $120,000 in two days...
"We wish to respond to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action."
Party vs faith: China drafts restrictions for all religions
China’s ability to keep its lid on the crackdown is nonetheless slipping.
Correcting the record: What is really happening in Nicaragua?
Nicaragua is a class war turned upside down. The coup is failing, the truth is coming out, and should not be forgotten.
Neither idiots nor useful: Our politically underachieving liberal churches
In suggesting that liberal churches are neither idiots nor useful, I’m purposely implying a stark contrast with churches whose members are useful idiots.
The Bible’s message on separating immigrant children from parents is a...
Scripture commands Christians to help the poor, to recognize the importance of the family, and to criticize unjust laws.