Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tag: racial inequality

The boldest step to close the racial wealth divide in generations

Connecticut’s Baby Bond program, which launches in July, and similar proposals across the country show that we may finally be willing to take the next step.

Why conservative parts of the U.S. are so angry

Republican America is poorer, more violent, and less healthy than Democratic America. But Republicans’ blame is misplaced.

Addressing racial inequality in paid leave policy

It is time the an equitable paid leave policy meets the triple A standard: accessible, affordable, and adequate.

The Democrats in DC promised consequential racial justice reform—where is it?

The message to Black Americans expecting more progress has largely been to wait—for a better political opportunity, for the racial wealth gap to widen, for another Black American to die at the hands of the police.

4 ways reparations can address racial inequality in education

Unequal schools are one of many manifestations of systemic racism. Changing the way schools are financed and homeowners are taxed can be a vehicle for reparations.

Thinking globally about racial justice

In 2021, joining forces for justice across national boundaries is not a choice. It is a necessity.

Sales taxes widen the racial wealth divide. States and cities have...

There are some bright spots and plenty of options for reform that could make them more effective.

Nearly two-thirds of older Black Americans can’t afford to live alone...

The scale of the economic insecurity we’ve measured among older adults of color shows how critical government support can be to people living near the financial edge.

Corporate hypocrisy on racism

Far from being the solution to systemic racism in America, these billionaires and their corporations are actively perpetuating it.

Trump EPA’s refusal to strengthen air quality standards most likely to...

“There is evidence that Black people have three times the hazard from long-term exposure to fine particles [soot] than the general population."


Corporate greed exposed: Kroger admits to price gouging on milk and eggs amid antitrust...

A top Kroger executive admits to inflating milk and egg prices above the rate of inflation

The ‘weavings’ of a wacko: The fakery of grinding Trump hokum into brilliance

“I never ramble, I only ‘weave,’”/ Thus doubling down ways to deceive.

Knowledge is power. Gaza war supporters don’t want students to have both.

Silence is complicity, and that’s the way Israel’s allies like it. For them, the new academic term restarts a threat to the status quo.

The New Yorker publishes 2005 Haditha, Iraq massacre photos Marines ‘didn’t want the world...

The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range.

Republican judge blocks student debt relief rule before it’s finalized, delaying relief for millions

The Biden administration has been working to alleviate the burden of student loans, especially for long-term borrowers who have been repaying loans for decades.