Tag: president
US corporate media sharpen their knives in anticipation of a Sanders...
"When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win. When straight and gay people stand together for justice, we win. When young and old stand together for justice, we win. When working families stand together, we win."
Trump’s ultimate crime: Defiling our vital story line
The only way we resurrect our positive story is to incinerate this fake one, to reject hatred and racism, white nationalism and smug, tribal complacency. That targets Trump and Republicanism.
What it means that Hillary Clinton might Run for president in...
Whether or not Hillary Clinton runs for president again, Clintonism is a political blight with huge staying power.
Gut check on the guttiest, nuttiest president. Bar none
We have words for those who elevate internal, non-logical feelings over mind – contrary to what that vast conspiracy of humanity calls consensual knowledge: delusional, hustlers, deceivers, crack pots or people of bad faith.
The left is already winning the 2020 presidential race
Democrats are embracing bold progressive policies – and setting the terms of the debate – for the first time in 40 years.
Crunch-time: Exposing the worst leadership stunt since the divine right of...
History’s greatest modern leadership stunt – that is, Trump playing at being president – has earned a clear dump-by date. Exposure of lawless Trumpery increases geometrically by its range, duration and interwoven criminality – plus the extraordinary number of insider sources.
What will Donald Trump be remembered for?
So tell me that he won’t be remembered for his absolute, if ignorant, dedication to the taking down of civilization.
Six potential lessons from our most debased presidency
To restore America, we need both vilify Trump for what he is – and defy his gang – but also reluctantly face how epic excesses clarity our moral, intellectual and political choices.
Trump’s art of the no deal (revised and updated)
One of the biggest cons from the biggest conman to occupy the Oval Office is that he’s a dealmaker.
Mexico’s election was a victory for democracy itself
The hunger for change manifested at the polls provides a vital impetus for the government as it begins to overcome Mexico’s vested interests and democratic deficits.