Tag: poor
Poor-Shaming 2.0
Why do Republicans insist on humiliating low-income households when it comes to their qualification for aid to access the Internet? It's shameful that GOP officials continue to demean people in need.
How to Steal from the Taxpayers While Blaming the Poor
As poor Americans continue to get blamed for being poor, it's the free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net—the vicious circle of hypocrisy.
A Middle-Class Tax Revolt? You Bet!!!
Welfare in the U.S. flows vertically in two directions from a single source—the middle-class. The redistribution of wealth that flows up to the rich is far greater and more concentrated than the wealth that flows down to the poor. This is a major problem.
Entitlements Are Bankrupting America. But the Rich Keep Taking Them.
With extreme inequality plaguing the U.S., the rich continue to bankrupt the middle and lower classes. They have a feeling of entitlement from our nation's many years of productivity. We have to stop ignoring the real problem.
The Rise of the Working Poor and the Non-Working Rich
There is a widening inequality between the working poor and the non-working rich. The ideal that America’s growing inequality is often justified doesn’t hold up—instead, it's undermining the moral foundations of American capitalism.
The Corporate Debt to Society: $10,000 Per Household, Per Year
The Alaska Permanent Fund proved a success, therefore an America Permanent Fund (APF), based on that program, would benefit both the rich and poor. We all deserve to receive some national productivity.
Wall Street’s Threat to the American Middle Class
It's nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But in order to do so, they have to take direct aim at Wall Street, the ones that finance their campaigns.