Tag: Poor People’s campaign
‘Take away our poverty, not our children!:’ Poor People’s Campaign caps...
"We are sick, we are homeless, we are separated from our families, and we will keep coming back until everyone has housing, voting rights, clean water, peace, and justice!"
Progressive Briefing for Monday, June 25, 2018
Poor People's Campaign marches on Washington, Saudi Arabia lifts the ban on women driving, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant, and more.
Progressive Briefing for Monday, June 18, 2018
Separating families at the border, the Poor People's Campaign, Republicans and the NRA fight against gun regulations, and more.
Today’s Poor People’s Campaign: Too important not to criticize
Provided, of course, today’s PPC attacks the bipartisan disease.
Political dynamite: Poor People’s Campaign and the movement for a People’s...
Reading the political tea leaves is a far different task from making political tea.
Fight for $15 plans massive workers’ strike
"There's no separation between the moral battle for voting rights and participation in democracy and the moral battle against systemic poverty. Those battles go together."
Would Dr. King take a knee? 6 ways his radical spirit...
Dr. King’s spirit lives on in the new Poor People’s Campaign, and in every place radicals gather to change the world.