Tag: pollution
Ocean plastic projected to triple within seven years
"The sea bed is teeming with life. We really need a mission to planet ocean – it's the last frontier."
Junk planet: Is Earth the largest garbage dump in the universe?
We can contribute to the ongoing creation of Earth as the planet of junk. Or we can use our conscience, intelligence and determination to guide us in resisting the destruction of our world.
Court orders Trump administration to enforce Obama-era methane rule
Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for Northern California ruled that the Bureau of Land Management's decision was "untethered to evidence."
3M to pay Minnesota $850M in surprise settlement over chemical disposal
"3M fought for almost a decade ... spending hundreds of millions on lawyers to dodge their way around the law ... but today became their day of reckoning!"
Ending pollution requires a major change in attitudes
Its up to us, each and every one of us to consciously live in an environmentally responsible manner.
Big oil invests $180B in plastics, merging two planet-killing industries
"There is a deep and pervasive relationship between oil and gas companies and plastics."
EPA holding its only public hearing on clean power plan repeal...
The EPA will receive online comments about its proposal and any requests for additional public meetings until Jan. 16.
Tom Goldtooth: Carbon trading is “fraudulent” scheme to privatize air &...
Chevron has said it will purchase carbon credits to offset increased pollution from a recent expansion of the Richmond refinery.
New study links osteoporosis to air pollution
“Air pollution continues to rise at an alarming rate, and affects economies and people’s quality of life; it is a public health emergency.”
The unexpected ways fracking affects air pollution
Fracking has led to a large increase of hydrocarbon emissions in rural areas, reversing some regional air trends.