Tag: pollution
Tons of plastic trash enter the Great Lakes every year –...
According to recent estimates, over 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year.
Food waste set to increase by 33 percent within 10 years
1.6 billion tons of food worth around $1.2 trillion are lost or wasted every year and the problem is only getting worse.
In ‘major win’ for clean air and public health, EPA reverses...
The decision came after a federal appeals court sided with green groups that sought to block the "irresponsible and dangerous" policy.
Pledge to ditch the plastic straw
Join us in saying no to the single-use plastic straw and encourage those around you to do the same!
What’s the value of a clean beach? Here’s how economists do...
Contrary to some environmentalists’ fears, putting a price on natural resources has encouraged decision-makers to recognize that natural capital is finite.
Ozone pollution in US national parks is nearly the same as...
Over the past century it has become increasingly hard to protect the parks from impacts of human activities outside their boundaries.
India’s decision to eliminate single-use plastic bags by 2022 is ‘game-changing’
"It is the duty of each one of us, to ensure that the quest for material prosperity does not compromise our environment."
Instead of reshaping domestic waste management, US asks China to lift...
"We hope that the U.S. can reduce and manage hazardous waste and other waste of its own and take up more duties and obligations."
Great Pacific Garbage Patch rapidly growing larger than twice the size...
We must deal with the problem of plastic pollution – before it's too late.
Federal judge rules Pruitt ‘knowingly’ violated Ozone Standards law
"This is a victory for everyone who breathes, and is clear evidence that Scott Pruitt's frequent attempts to delay and obstruct federal clean air safeguards is against the law."