Tag: politics
All human rights are at stake when abortions are banned
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overrule Roe v. Wade hurdles our society back into a dark age that disrespects the sovereignty of women, and all people.
Feeling defeated by the Supreme Court’s EPA ruling? There’s still a...
America’s highest court has limited the EPA’s authority to regulate power plant emissions.
How the American Legislative Exchange Council turns disinformation into law
State lawmakers introduced nearly 2,900 bills based on ALEC templates from 2010 through 2018. More than 600 of them became law.
Ugly side of Trump’s 2020 lies and bullying come before committee
Trump-directed mobs threaten officials who wouldn’t cheat for him.
What pundit Ezra Klein doesn’t get about parenting in a looming...
It’s a matter of math: Bigger families mean more carbon emissions.
How corporate food monopolies caused the baby formula scandal
The fact that a handful of companies produce the majority of our food means that small disruptions will have big impacts. This time the impacts are borne by American babies.
As coup evidence mounts, progressives eye Georgia to jail Trump, not...
The January 6 committee, Justice Department, and activists are diverging.
If poverty is a moral issue, then the U.S. is bankrupt
The Poor People’s Campaign, ahead of its June 18 gathering, is calling out the false pro-corporate rhetoric on poverty, wages, and inflation.
As January 6 hearings begin, poll finds many conservatives with open...
Younger Republicans, and Republican women, are not Trump cultists.
Election subversion is replacing voter suppression as new GOP threat
Pro-Trump Republicans are building new paths to subvert future election results, numerous analyses find.