Tag: politics
The Koch connection
Donald Trump is not the only — or even the biggest — real and present danger to our democratic republic.
TPP is dead. What did we learn from this great progressive...
We must insist that trade deals never be written to override policies that sovereign governments might later decide are best for their people, culture key industries and the environment.
As the planet warms, Trump sends a chill wind through Marrakech
Fortunately, the fate of the planet is not in the hands of one man. It's up to movements everywhere to save it.
BREXIT++: How the arrogant establishment ignored the lure of Donald Trump
Hillary had the entire Establishment class behind her. What could go wrong? Everything. Welcome to Brexit++.
Trump surrogate cites Japanese internment camps as precedent for Muslim registry
“We need to protect America first.”
Politics be Damned! Unity demands more.
The only barrier to anarchy is respect for every member of our society.
Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan: Lincoln had a bolder solution
Trump’s plan is unusual because, as written, it seems to be targeted at fully private projects, which are less common.
Today’s broken Trump promise: “Blind trust”
Putting the very people who run the president’s businesses on the team that hires for government positions is possibly the most blatant conflict of interest in American history.
Bernie Sanders’ progressive ideals must be embraced
The former Democratic presidential candidate understood the needs of working-class voters and people of color, but he was marginalized by party elites. To be viable, the Democratic Party must change.