Tag: politics
Resisting the Trumpublican shock doctrine blitzkrieg
If the millions of citizens who care about the future resist and fight back, the Trumpublican blitzkreig can be defeated. The future of the nation and the planet is in our hands.
Six reasons why Trump’s wall is even dumber than most of...
Trump lives in a fact-free universe designed merely to enhance his power and fuel his demagoguery. But you don’t have to, and nor does anyone else.
U.S. government officially calls for research into geoengineering the Earth
Geoengineering is a controversial type of weather modification which has been researched, but, until recently, been considered too unpredictable to attempt on a large scale.
Michael Moore urges Trump critics to participate in ‘100 Days of...
“It’s important that everybody go there. This will have an effect.”
The Democratic Party must undergo a dramatic transformation to lead America...
The Democratic Party has allowed itself to become a part of that problem and now it’s time that it and its members break away from that dysfunctionality and return to a strong liberal/progressive agenda.
President Obama denies all permits for dangerous testing in the Atlantic
The government estimates over 138,000 marine mammals, including dolphins and whales, would be injured and disturbed if seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic were to take place.
A New Year wish for Donald Trump
Happy New Year, Mr. Trump. You have 20 days in which to learn how to act as a president.
Trump initiates a political inquisition; the GOP attacks America’s most important...
If the Republicans do exactly what they are threatening to do, instead of working to solve America’s most critical problems, then they will be laying the groundwork for their political extinction.
It can‘t happen here?
This Neo-Con globalization has destroyed what the politicians from both empire political parties like to label ‘The Middle Class.’
Donald Trump is demanding the names of federal employees working to...
Stop me if you’ve heard this before.