Tag: politics
In an era of Trump and DeVos, young women are standing...
Across the country, young women and their allies are speaking out for their rights, safety, and autonomy. And their power is growing.
Labeling Trump voters as racists or bigots will only alienate potential...
Call Trump on his lies and make people question whether what he says or does aligns with American values… or their own.
Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch for U.S. Supreme Court
Gorsuch has challenged the Obama administration’s requirements for employers to provide health insurance that includes contraception.
Thoughts on “It Can’t Happen Here”
Are we just going to give this a whirl and see where it ends while the rest of the world watches?
Will Trump’s claims of election fraud pave the way for an...
Trump claims a 2008 study published by the Pew Research Foundation supports his "belief" of widespread voter fraud.
Trump impeachment campaign begins
Never has a modern president so flagrantly violated the Constitution. A constitutional law attorney explains this unprecedented situation in American history – and what we can do about it.
Federal judge grants stay against Trump’s immigration ban
“This executive order runs contrary to really our most fundamental constitutional rights and human values in this country.”
Trump’s first test on taxes
Making America great doesn’t mean giving booster rockets to multi-generational dynasties of wealth. We need one tax system that’s fair to everyone.
Trump declares war on the media; a monumental mistake he will...
Is he so arrogant and clueless that he doesn’t fathom the tremendous power that the media possesses and the massive damage that it can inflict on his presidency?
Reality, not foes, undermines Trump’s legitimacy
Trump’s opening gambit focuses public attention not on real policy or legislation (still a great void) but whether this chief executive is simply an impulsive, erratic narcissist – or much worse, so unstable he could dislodge current, fragile power balances, here and abroad.