Tag: politics
The West Coast will determine the fate of the fossil fuel...
All along the Pacific Coast, environmentalists are gearing up for an epic fight.
Unintended consequences foul the Trump swamp
What about truly damaging accumulations of unintended consequences that emerge from Trump incompetence, instability and hypocrisy on repeated pledges?
Republicans, obsessed with gutting Obamacare, other social programs: That’s called committing...
It will be time for these politicians that have no vision to begin writing their political obituaries, because they will face political extinction in the elections of 1018 and 2020.
Powerful South Carolina political consultant implicated in indictments of a veteran...
Investigation echoes findings of Capitol Gains series
Alec Baldwin should play the role of Trump at the White...
Millions of Americans will be watching this dinner on their TVs, most of them laughing so hard that they will be crying.
The U.S. has one inspector for every 5,000 miles of pipeline...
If U.S. president Donald Trump’s plans to complete both the long-disputed Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines come to fruition, they would add 327 miles and 1,172 miles, respectively, to that burden.
Yes, schools can improve; Here’s how
Faced with two utterly misguided directions for education policy, some argue for a “centrist solution,” as if meeting in the middle of two bad ideas can somehow produce something good.
‘Silent coup’ or presidential paranoia?
He may style himself a populist but its becoming ever more clear that President Trump will be even more destructive to social and environmental norms than the 1% could have imagined in their wildest dreams.
Find the adults and get them in the room
If democracy isn’t participatory it isn’t decent democracy.
Trump administration attempting to cut leading climate science agency budget
Deep budget cuts to the NOAA and other climate science agencies could threaten public safety and academic programs.