Tag: politics
America’s health is in the hands of GOP frat boys
Trump and his Republican allies don’t care about health care. They’re just out to look busy and cut taxes for the rich.
Portland, Ore., becomes first major U.S. city to end all new...
To avoid doing business with socially irresponsible corporations, the city is willing to lose investment income – about $4.5 million a year.
An umbrella narrative – and party – for the progressive resistance
Together, the umbrella narrative and party will form a potent political weapon, much like the deadliest poison-tipped or bullet-firing umbrella ever devised for a spy flick.
Trump kleptocracy
Since our “leaders” seem incapable, we will need to lead ourselves, it appears. This is our democracy and we want it back.
Will the Trump administration end Michelle Obama’s “Let Girls Learn” program?
“Moving forward, we will not continue to use the Let Girls Learn brand or maintain a stand-alone program.”
Trump’s presidency: a thunderous WAKE UP call for all Americans
This Trump presidency should generate a thunderous wake-up call for all Americans who truly love their country and do not want to see it continue on this twisted path.
The drastic effects of Donald Trump’s reversal of Obama-era climate regulations
Under Trump the emissions will rise, and so will the damage to future generations.
In God (and Trump) we trust… With monster bombs!!
I just don't think he blessed that Monster Bomb or all the other WMDs that your tax money is paying for... instead of better roads, infrastructure, health care...
Syrian war for dummies – Three versions
Three versions of the conflict are presented here and the reader can choose the one that makes the most sense.
Still phony after all these years: Trump ‘pivot’ exposes fake populism
Before Trump ends in disgrace, the already skeptical majority must understand, then disown the phony Trump symbols and the perverse narrative he’s still trying to cram down our throats.