Tag: politics
What went wrong, Donald? Everything is about you – your dream...
White House whiner ambushed by the Peter Principle
The problems and promise of the new Silk Roads
In a time when it seems we are constantly being divided from our common humanity, the symbolism of the new Silk Roads is important in and of itself.
They stole his safety net!!
The new Trump/Republican health care bill will see to it that many of the very foolish people who stood on the street corners, or carry his stickers on their cars and trucks, will one day be shocked when they or their relatives can no longer get into a nursing home via Medicaid.
With the walls closing in on him, his presidency unraveling, Trump...
Should he be removed from his presidency by either impeachment or through his resignation, America will then have an opportunity to recover from these vicious attacks on its democracy.
To regain people’s trust, the Democratic Party must support single-payer
Nearly 60 percent of Americans want Medicare for All. Democrats must support it, too.
Think Trump’s border vetting tactics won’t affect you? Think again.
What we’re left with, is an administration operating with the logic of a frat boy who’s just realized his one-night stand was, in fact, a life-changing event.
Trump fires FBI director James Comey
The U.S. has been in an uproar over this action since it occurred.
Massive, relentless attacks on the U.S. media; a precursor to a...
The big question then is; what kind of a president with what kind of characteristics would be needed to take this country in that dangerous direction?
How many people will die for each rich American’s Trumpcare tax...
Trump and the other Republicans who support this bill share something in common: their personal tastes may be expensive but, for them, the lives of most Americans are insignificant and cheap.
In France, ‘us and them’ amid elections
Many residents of France are in fact wondering how the country reached its current stage, with an extreme-right candidate again making it to the second round of French presidential elections.