Tag: politics
Resist the duopoly – Because Judas’s party can’t defeat Trump’s
It is as “the party of Judas,” betraying Americans to Republican brutality for sake of donors’ silver, that the real grassroots resistance must oppose Democrats as well as Trump.
Paris exit was ‘victory paid and carried out’ by Republican Party...
“This is the victory paid and carried out for 20 years by two people, David and Charles Koch.”
Climate action never depended on Trump
There are so many ways we can slow and stop the burning of fossil fuels in the United States. But we need to get to work.
Fear strikes AT, not OUT!
Fear always translates into anger which can translate into violence. Thus, it can never strike out, only ‘strike AT!’
Trump delays Paris climate agreement
During his campaigning, Trump had assured supporters he would rip up the agreement if elected.
Trump seeks to spend more on nuclear weapons but buys little...
Cost overruns are eating up a substantial portion of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s weapons budget.
Making America meaner
A president contributes to setting the norms of our society. Trump is setting them at a new low.
Trump slashes EPA funding by 31% – Gets Pruitt’s approval
What is happening with the EPA?
Embracing Islamic terrorism
Ever wonder why we never go to war against or impose sanctions on these sponsors of terrorism? Heck, we don’t even condemn them!
Trump budget slashes safety net programs, boosts military and defense
“It probably is the most conservative budget that we’ve had under Republican or Democrat administrations in decades.”