Tag: politics
Bernie fights to oppose new dirty energy bill
“Our job is to move away from fossil fuels toward sustainable energy and energy efficiency,” Sanders said in a statement. “This bill does the opposite.”
Selling insurance across state lines
Experts cited several reasons that the across-state-lines idea wouldn’t be a cure for high premiums as the president implied.
Africa: The next global economic frontier?
This vividly shows that the wealth of Africa is in the hands of the exploiting non-producing class which takes advantage of the exploited producing class.
How the idea of personal liberty is quickly fading away
The world is changing far too quickly for people to get used to it, and the rate of expansion isn’t slowing down. No one can keep track, at least not alone.
The Trump standard
None of this is “very standard” for a president. It’s the opposite of standard.
Dear Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, David Cobb and all Greens,
Yoav Litvin talks about issues with the direction of the Green Party in a letter to Green Party candidates.
Trump’s restrictions on Cuba are a detour, not the future
It’s unlikely the administration has either the will or the means to roll back the full suite of Obama-era reforms.
EPA’s Scott Pruitt wants to televise a debate on climate change
Pruitt says there are many unanswered questions about climate change.
Nuclear weapons: Barbaric tools of insecurity
Sustainable security is not created through threats and the cultivation of fear, but by building relationships, cooperating and establishing trust.
The Founding Fathers would renounce, condemn America’s endless wars
They would decry the current situation in which a succession of U.S. presidents has usurped that power, probably the greatest violation of the Constitution in the history of this nation.