Tag: politics
Blueprint for Post-9/11 Surveillance: U.S. Began Bulk Collection of Phone Call...
Evidently, the federal government has been secretly tracking phone calls years before the 9/11 attacks. It was the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration back in 1992 that paved the way for NSA in 2001.
2016 Presidential Candidates Address Inequality (Sort Of)
Congress never before worried about the "ever-widening chasm" between the rich and the rest of the nation. For Republican presidential candidates, inequality is a top political topic, but their solution are the same old failed tactics.
20 Years in Prison for Miscarrying? The Case of Purvi Patel...
Indiana has recently made some extremely controversial movements in history these past couple weeks. A recent decision, to imprison a woman for what she says was a miscarriage but what Indiana’s government believes was an attempt to end her pregnancy, has left many feeling disturbed.
A Quiet Corporate Coup on Capitol Hill
Congressional staffers have gained a lot of control and influence over legislation and corporate lobbyists have long understood this. Flattery and gifts have become a way for lobbyists to get what they want in terms of political gain.
A Thumping Cruz-a-palooza
The more Ted Cruz campaigns for the 2016 presidential nomination the more we see he fabricates facts to "foment fear among the fringiest right-wingers." While he's calling for "a time for truth," he can't even imagine the truth.
Senator Indicted on Federal Corruption Charges
“Government corruption—at any level of elected office—corrodes the public trust." Sen. Robert Menendez has finally been charged for participating in a bribery scheme. It's about time the Department of Justice holds public officials accountable.
Loyalty to Country Must Always Prevail Over Loyalty to Government
Just because you do not necessarily agree with what the government does and the laws and bills they pass, does not mean you are disloyal to your country. The government is supposed to be there to protect the citizens, but lately the one percenters and corporate giants have government's attention.
Measuring the Moral Posture of Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from Saudi Arabian agencies when these agencies do not believe in gender equality. This coming from the man who would not help pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, who co-sponsored the Blunt Amendment, and who sponsored a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion.
VIDEO: A Double Standard on Leaks? As Whistleblowers Jailed, Petraeus Escapes...
When it comes to punishing whistleblowers, the Obama administration is the most aggressive in history. Join Democracy Now in their discussion surrounding the double standard when it comes to who is punished and who walks free.
Should McDonald’s & Monsanto Have the Same Rights as People? A...
Five Years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people and have the same rights a person has. This has led to companies, like Monsanto and McDonalds, fighting against new laws in order to protect their businesses. Seem fair?