Tag: politics
VIDEO: 'Everybody Is a Suspect:' European Rights Chief on Edward Snowden's...
In a new campaign to establish global privacy standards, Edward Snowden along with others proposed the International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance and Protection of Whistleblowers. Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, discusses the treaty.
WikiLeaks Releases CIA Director’s Hacked Emails
So many top U.S. intelligence officials are unable to maintain basic security over sensitive data with the most recent hacked private email account of CIA Director John Brennan. Are these hackers confirming that the wrong people have been leading this country for far too long?
My Pick for the Next Speaker of the US House
While the Speaker of the House doesn't actually have to be a member of Congress, why don't we choose someone like a kindergarten teacher, a minimum-wage worker, or organic farmer to run the show? They might be exactly who is needed.
AUSTERITY 101: The Three Reasons Republican Deficit Hawks Are Wrong (Video)
As Congress debates another federal budget deficit, the national debt and the debt ceiling, here are three reasons why the Republican deficit hawks are wrong and the one economically sound answer to the problem.
License Politicians: Better Late Than Never
Politics remains a glaring, backward exception to a complex, modern culture that rightly demands top credentials for top jobs: any buffoon struts into high political office and commandeers god-like powers over life and death.
Things Like Ted Cruz’s Threat to Kill Iran’s Ayatollah Are Why...
Decades of American dirty tricks and plots against the Iranian people might be the main reason why Iranians don’t trust the U.S. And Ted Cruz confirmed that on Friday at the Value Voters Summit conference.
Papal Stardom: Triumph of Upbeat Humanism, Skirting Dogma-Driven Culture Wars
The Pope Francis whirlwind has wowed the West with an upbeat Christian humanism. Yet the Pope doesn't come without major contradictions—Is his urge for reform “outside” the church not matching up with that on his home turf?
Pope Francis Is an Honest Conservative, Not a Liberal (Video)
While some American conservatives are angry at the Pope for not being far enough right on some issues and joining in their delusions, the Pope is far from " liberal” in American politics. This suggests fascist strains in American.
VIDEO: Fracture: Joy-Ann Reid on Obama, the Clintons and the Racial...
In her new book, Joy-Ann Reid looks at the history of race relations in the U.S. She discusses the political shifts in the Democratic Party and the relationship between the Clintons and Obama on Democracy Now.
The Top 5 Reasons Obama Beat the GOP and Israel Lobby’s...
As 40 Democratic senators and two independent senators stood with President Obama on the Iran deal, it is the most severe Democratic defeat since the 80s. But how did they do it?