Tag: politics
Knee-jerk Nullification: Impeachment Lite
There is far more self-evident misconduct to censure 47 GOP senators than even this regressive House would dare place at Obama's door. Like patriotism for Mark Twain, this cowardly war of party nullification is the last refuse of scoundrels.
Republican Senators Undermine President’s Nuclear Deal with Iran
In an open letter to Iran’s leaders on Monday, 47 Republican Senators undermined President Obama's negotiations with Iran and threatened to sabotage any agreement reached between the two countries. But Republicans won't stop there.
Senator Expected to Face Federal Corruption Charges
After it was assumed that Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on prosecutors’ request to proceed with corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, his indictment is expected on various criminal corruption charges.
The GOP Gang of Supremes Go After Obamacare
The Supreme Court is once again challenging Obamacare, which could dramatically influence the health of millions. These challengers are claiming the law prohibits insurance subsidies to the millions of low and middle-income Americans living in the 36 states that did not set up a state exchange.
Is This a Scandal—Or a ‘Scandal?’
It seems Hillary Clinton didn't breach security or violate any federal record-keeping statutes—the laws were tightened after she left office. With no actual evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton and her staff, what do Republicans and their media enablers expect to find now?
In Whose America?
Tom Engelhardt reflects on the state of America: machine Guns, MRAPs, surveillance, drones, permanent war and a permanent election campaign. Don’t be shocked—we, the people, are less in control of anything.
Was Jeffrey Sterling Trial a Government Effort to Divide Investigative Journalists...
Former CIA officer, Jeffrey Sterling, faces a maximum possible sentence of decades in prison for leaking classified information about a secret operation in Iran. Norman Solomon talks about the need to support investigative journalists and whistleblowers and not let government wedge a gap.
Facing Felony Charges, Rick Perry Joins Board of Energy Transfer Partners,...
Former Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry currently faces two Texas state-level felony charges for abuse of power, which he pleads not guilty. During this time, he has joined the board of directors at a natural gas and propane company and has showed interest in possibly running for president in 2016.
Republican Scott Walker Pitches a Possible Syria War to Make Us...
Scott Walker, the GOP hopeful, is using the idea of a ground war in Syria as an attractive campaign promise. But what does he think Americans will gain from a Syria war launched by the leader of Wisconsin?
In Victory for Gov't Whistleblowers, Supreme Court Sides With Fired TSA...
Former transportation Security Administration Federal Air Marshal Robert MacLean has become the face for government whistleblowers. And the Supreme Court decided to uphold MacLean's and other federal employees' right to become whistleblowers.