Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tag: police state

Four Deputies Plead Guilty to Drug Charges

An undercover investigation at Shelby County Corrections revealed corruption after four deputies were indicted for attempting to smuggle and distribute OxyContin inside the facility. Are Illicit activities running rampant in our prisons?

11 People Dead in Police Custody This Month

There have been at least 11 cases of killing or other type of deaths of people while in police custody just this month. But will any officers face criminal charges for these deaths?

Returning Home to the US Is to Enter a Police State

Is our behavior as U.S. citizens being monitored and, if we do things that the government finds bothersome, we will be questioned and monitored further? Here is Dave Lindorff's account of crossing into the U.S. police state after a short vacation.

Fear Incorporated: Canada’s Anti-Terror Bill and the Emergence of a Deep...

The new bill, C-51, could label anyone who disagrees with neo-liberal aims as a “terrorist." With a Conservative majority in Parliament and support from the Liberal Party, it seems the final bill will pass quite easily only to create an emergence of a deep police state.


New law requires clothing companies in California to have recycling program in place by...

Companies producing clothing, bedding, towels and upholstery are now mandated by law to administer and fund the repair, reuse and recycling of their products statewide.

World told act now or face 136 years of hunger, report warns

The report blames the combined crises of conflict, climate change, high food prices and mounting debt, all of which are denying billions of people the right to adequate food. 

‘Should shame the world’: Famine takes hold in Gaza as Israel cuts off food...

Israel's obstruction of humanitarian assistance and repeated attacks on aid convoys have sparked catastrophe in the Palestinian enclave.

Ex-State Dept. official: Israel is starving Gaza now. We can’t wait another 30 days...

We speak with Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned last October over the push to increase arms sales to Israel.

The first gas utility sued for climate deception

The company has portrayed gas as “safe, clean, and environmentally friendly,” despite the fact that methane, its primary component, is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.