Tag: plastic
Here are the companies that are the world’s top plastic polluters
"Real solutions must change systems and power structures."
Major UK supermarket chain gets rid of plastic bags in produce...
“We are absolutely committed to reducing unnecessary plastic packaging in Sainsbury’s stores."
Zero waste: The global plastics crisis
Plastic pollution is one aspect of the global environmental crisis, a crisis rooted in consumerism and a socio-economic system championed by developed nations, which promotes greed, selfishness and division.
Will Ohio River get optional pollution limits as new fracking-reliant plastics...
“To me, this feels like an invasion."
Microplastics in every bite: News study confirms human consumption of plastic
A new study confirms that on average, humans consume 50,000 bits of plastic a year and inhales nearly the same amount.
The world just took a major step to curb plastic pollution,...
"The U.S. is the world’s largest exporter of plastics, mostly to developing nations. And this has created a global crisis of waste in countries in South and Central Asia as well as South America and Africa."
Plastics industry on track to burn through 14% of world’s remaining...
“Really the surest solution to dealing with the problem of plastics and climate is to reduce plastic production, to keep the fossil fuels in the ground, to move towards eliminating the use of single-use plastics and non-essential plastics.”
Historic agreement on plastic pollution reached by 180+ countries without the...
"This is a crucial first step towards stopping the use of developing countries as a dumping ground for the world's plastic waste, especially those coming from rich nations."
Microplastics are blowing in the wind: New Study shows plastic pollution...
"They're a brand new [type of] pollution, but there's so much of it and it's increasing so fast that it's something we really need to start learning about."
Nestlé, stop single use:’ Activists confront company executives at Annual General...
"It's time for Nestlé to really take some responsibility for the magnitude of its contribution to the problem."