PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are everywhere: here’s what that means for wildlife
Researchers have found PFAS in the bodies of wild animals everywhere they’ve looked. Now they’re beginning to understand the health effects.
EPA proposes first legal limits for PFAS in drinking water
“This action has the potential to prevent tens of thousands of PFAS-related illnesses and marks a major step toward safeguarding all our communities from these dangerous contaminants.”
PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ disrupt biological processes in developing adolescents, first-of-its-kind study...
“Together, our findings raise the possibility that increased risk of metabolic disorders associated with PFAS exposure are caused by alterations in thyroid hormones and mediated by changes in lipid metabolism.”
Simply PFAS: Lawsuit claims ‘all natural’ orange juice brand contains toxic...
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a growing concern because of the many health impacts associated with exposure and their tendency to persist in the human body for months to years and in the environment for thousands of years.
Proposed PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ regulations fail in U.S. Congress
Although progress on limiting has stalled in the U.S. Congress, states are introducing and passing their own regulations and bans on forever chemicals.
More than 57,000 U.S. locations likely contaminated with PFAS
The researchers' hope that their map can be a tool for both other scientists and state and federal regulators to better understand and manage PFAS pollution in the U.S.
New study finds ‘forever chemicals’ in rainwater
Water quality guidelines deem rainwater is now unsafe to drink.
EPA names PFOA and PFOS as hazardous substances
"[The] EPA must urgently follow up this rule with strong science-based and equitable actions to regulate PFAS as a class."
Scientists develop new material to clean up forever chemicals
This sustainable PFAS clean-up system could scale for commercial use, leading to a better way to remove these chemical pollutants from the environment.
EPA revises health advisory for PFAS pollution in US water systems
The new health advisory finds no safe level for "forever chemicals" in United States water systems.