Tag: Pentagon
Funding of human needs must be front and center: Coalition asks...
We need bold leadership to break the hold of what President Eisenhower deemed 'the military-industrial complex.'"
How the Pentagon took ownership of Donald Trump
The Pentagon will never be forced to make significant reforms until Americans stop believing in (and consenting to) its comforting lies.
EPA weakens guidelines for clean-up of toxic groundwater pollution by military...
"We urgently need action to protect clean water not more deregulation."
Pentagon spending set to hit near-record levels, but ‘establishment says we...
"Very few in Congress are questioning how the U.S. can afford to spend $7.5 trillion on the military."
The military-industrial complex: Trump’s ties to Boeing in spotlight amid probes...
Boeing has such clout in Washington, particularly on the defense side, but also viewed as a major commercial force in its airline business.
Our man from Boeing
America is indeed great again, if you happen to be one of those lucky enough to be moving back and forth between plum jobs in the Pentagon and the weapons industry.
New Congressional report issued by Pentagon warns against climate change, calls...
"The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense (DoD or the Department) missions, operational plans, and installations."
Pentagon: Climate change is real and a ‘national security issue’
"The half-baked DOD report on #climatechange released this week is inadequate and demonstrates a continued unwillingness to seriously recognize and address the threat that climate change poses to our national security."
Bases, bases, everywhere…
“Undocumented bases are immune to oversight by the public and often even Congress.”