Tag: Pentagon
“Gun control” at the Pentagon? Don’t even think about it.
New outcries for gun control have followed the horrible tragedies of mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo. “Evil came to that elementary...
Pentagon contractors seizing new gold rush to cash in on the...
How Pentagon contractors are cashing in on the Ukraine crisis.
About that $900 you gave Pentagon contractors
This tax season, I’d rather fund green jobs and disease control than jets that spontaneously combust. Wouldn’t you?
As US squanders $728.5 billion/ yr on Pentagon, China captures 65%...
The US Republican Party and their plus-one, Sen. Joe Manchin, are preventing the US from becoming the dominant automaker in the world in this decade by consistently shooting down the green energy and transportation provisions.
What would it take for military spending in America to go...
We have become George Orwell’s Oceania, where war is peace, surveillance is privacy, and censorship is free speech.
Pentagon projected to hand $407 billion to private military contractors this...
"Military spending involves a massive redistribution of wealth from the public to private sector."
The Pentagon’s 20-year killing spree has always treated civilians as expendable
Overall, military spending accounts for about half of the federal government’s total discretionary spending -- while programs for helping instead of killing are on short rations for local, state and national government agencies.
No punishment for US troops who slaughtered 10 Afghan civilians, says...
“If the Pentagon wants to come clean about this horrific event, it will release documents and videotapes that show who was responsible for key decisions and what technological failings were responsible.”