Tag: nuclear
Kings Bay Plowshares: Meet two of the seven activists who secretly...
Their goal was to symbolically disarm the nuclear weapons at the base, which is home to at least six nuclear ballistic missile submarines.
Watch: Greenpeace crashes Superman drone into nuclear power plant to expose...
"This is a highly symbolic action: it shows that spent fuel pools are very accessible, this time from the air, and therefore extremely vulnerable to attack."
The ‘Radioactivity Is Good for You’ Push
While the hormesis model would result in needless death and misery, a group of pro-nuclear fanatics are drastically downplaying the dangers of radioactivity. We need to take a strong public stand against this proposed change.
Why Israel’s Security Experts Support the Iran Deal—and Iran’s Hardliners Don’t
Why is right-wing media asserting that hardline Islamists in the Islamic Republic are delighted with the Iran nuclear deal, while Israelis are concerned over their country's security when the opposite is true?