Tag: Nazi
The media is aiding and abetting Donald Trump’s rise just as...
The media has a duty to plainly report the truth to readers and viewers, and not obfuscate, downplay, or over-correct rightward in an effort to appear “balanced.”
3 corrections employees fired over Nazi salute photo
“This will not be tolerated on my watch—within the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation—or within any agency of state government.”
Trump administration revives public charge clause that kept Nazi-era refugees from...
The Trump administration is as likely to succeed in communicating what it wants to lower-level officials as was the Nazi-era State Department.
Genocide: It’s Not Just for Nazis, Folks…
Are we to believe that there was only one instance of genocide in modern history? The truth is that the crime of genocide played a major role in the development of the United States of America.