Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tag: National security

New bill expands warrantless spying amid widespread criticism

The U.S. Senate has approved a significant expansion of government surveillance powers, raising alarms over potential violations of civil liberties.

Daring to ‘look a sacred cow in the teeth’

Making major cuts to military spending would increase U.S. national security.

Social Security versus national security

Whose entitlement really makes us safer?

America the usual

The longer we have to wait, the actual threats to national security can and will destroy this country.

National (in)security and the Pentagon budget

A post-coronavirus economy can no longer afford to put the Pentagon first.

Sanders files amendments to force Pentagon to pass clean audit, require...

“National security,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders, “means doing everything we can to improve the lives of our people, many of whom have been abandoned by our government decade after decade.”

Hypersonic weapons and national (in)security

Hypersonic weapons close in on their targets at a minimum speed of Mach 5, five times the speed of sound or 3,836.4...

The US raises red flags on Russia’s plutonium experiments – while...

The secrecy surrounding this work has long raised suspicions – among many nations – that a global nuclear test ban treaty is being violated.

How ICE and other DHS agencies mine social media in the...

Through its vast and deeply flawed social media monitoring, the Department of Homeland Security jeopardizes the rights of travelers, immigrants, refugees, and many others.

Boondoggle, Inc.

Making sense of the $1.25 trillion national security state budget.


New law requires clothing companies in California to have recycling program in place by...

Companies producing clothing, bedding, towels and upholstery are now mandated by law to administer and fund the repair, reuse and recycling of their products statewide.

World told act now or face 136 years of hunger, report warns

The report blames the combined crises of conflict, climate change, high food prices and mounting debt, all of which are denying billions of people the right to adequate food. 

‘Should shame the world’: Famine takes hold in Gaza as Israel cuts off food...

Israel's obstruction of humanitarian assistance and repeated attacks on aid convoys have sparked catastrophe in the Palestinian enclave.

Ex-State Dept. official: Israel is starving Gaza now. We can’t wait another 30 days...

We speak with Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned last October over the push to increase arms sales to Israel.

The first gas utility sued for climate deception

The company has portrayed gas as “safe, clean, and environmentally friendly,” despite the fact that methane, its primary component, is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.